Thursday, May 17, 2012

Is Your Monthly Income Protected?

4. If an accident puts you out of work you could lose your monthly income unless you have this optional coverage on your policy.

Wage loss coverage is an option you can put on your insurance policy that will protect you in the event an accident injury prevents you from working. If added onto your policy then your insurance company is required, by law, to pay 80% of your gross income when you cannot return to your job from injuries sustained in the accident.

As we mentioned yesterday, the state minimum coverage doesn't save you anything in the long run and the same is true with wage loss coverage. The least amount of wage loss you can select is 1,000/5,000. This means, for instance, if you are out of work for 5 months, your insurance company will pay up to $1,000 per month for those 5 months. If you are out work for longer than 5 months but only have the minimum selected, you could lose your monthly income until you return to work.

Another way to protect you and your family after an accident is by calling The Pisanchyn Law Firm as soon as you are injured so our experienced injury attorneys can help you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

State Minimum Coverage Doesn't Save You in the Long Run

3. Everyone with an insurance policy in Pennsylvania has to have Medical Expense Coverage but having this as is on your policy may not be enough.

What we mean by this is simple; if you have the minimum amount required by law, which is $5,000, but your medical expenses after an accident accumulate to $10,000, your insurance will only pay for $5,000 of it. It's important to think of 'what if' scenarios such as these when selecting your insurance coverage to be sure you and your family are fully protected incase you are ever the victim of a car accident. Click here for more information on Medical Expense Coverage.

Another way to protect you and your family after an accident is by calling The Pisanchyn Law Firm as soon as you are injured so our experienced injury attorneys can help you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Don't Let This Happen to You

2. Insurance companies take advantage of the fact that most people don't know their initial offers after an accident or injury are low, and get away with it.

Insurance companies will offer you the lowest amount possible to settle your claim. They do this because the less money they pay you the more money they make. This fact is one of the standing points in their business models. Read more about this model here.

Don't let the insurance companies trick you into an insufficient settlement. Call The Pisanchyn Law Firm as soon as you are injured so our experienced injury attorneys can help you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Most People Don't Know...

Here at The Pisanchyn Law Firm we think it's important to educate people on our different areas of practice. Each week we compile a list of important facts that most people don't know, and as a result, could harm them or their claim. As the week goes on we share more information on each fact.

1. 16% of adults are forced by insurance companies into financial difficulty after an injury.

2. Insurance companies take advantage of the fact that most people don't know their initial offers after an accident or injury are low, and get away with it.

3. Everyone with an insurance policy in Pennsylvania has to have Medical Expense Coverage having this as is on your policy may not be enough.

4. If an accident puts you out of work you could lose your monthly income unless you have this optional coverage on your policy.

5. If you're worried your insurance premium will be increased after you report a claim, don't be. The insurance company can only increase your rates for one reason.

Is there a particular practice area you'd like to know more about? Let us know! We are always looking for ways to help our clients, friends, families, and acquaintances and with your feedback we can get you the information you need. Comment on this post, send us a message on Facebook or Twitter, or email us at with any suggestions or topics you'd like to know more about.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Has Your Insurance Company Done This to You?

1. 16% of adults are forced by insurance companies into financial difficulty after an injury.

When injured people don't accept the initial low offer made by insurance companies they intentionally prolong the claim process leaving injured people victim to financial difficulty, according to an article by Mollie Riley of The Huffington Post.

Don't become part of that 16%. Call The Pisanchyn Law Firm as soon as you are injured so our experienced injury attorneys can help you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week in Review 5/11/2012

This week we explained what uninsured motorist coverage on an insurance policy is, and what the benefits of choosing this coverage are. We also explained what a Phantom Driver Accident is and what steps you should take to make an uninsured motorist claim if you are ever the victim of a phantom driver.

There are a number of things you can do after being involved in a phantom driver caused accident in an attempt to make a viable uninsured motorist claim.
  • At the scene of the accident be sure to ask everyone who shows up if they saw the phantom driver.
  • When the paramedics, hospital staff and/or doctors ask what happened let them know the phantom driver caused you to lose control.
  • Tell the police at the scene of the accident, and at any interviews following the accident, about the phantom driver and how it caused the accident.
  • Examine your vehicle for ANY proof of contact.
  • Contact an attorney so they can begin an investigation to prove your statement that a phantom driver caused your accident.
There are many exceptions and technicalities to this area of law, especially with these types of accidents, that if you are not aware of could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our car accident lawyers are experts when it comes to dealing with insurance companies and will fight aggressively on your behalf to get you or your loved one the compensation you deserve.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

When Just in Case Turns Into Now What

We explained yesterday what a phantom driver accident is, and what kind of coverage you should have on your insurance policy to protect yourself just in case you are ever the victim of a phantom driver. In this post we are going to go a little more in depth on what you should do when a phantom driver accident occurs.

In order to file a claim with your insurance company about a phantom driver you must report that another vehicle caused you to wreck, then fled the scene, to the police as well as your insurance company within 24 hours, or soon thereafter if 24 hours is not possible due to injury or other extenuating circumstances.

After reporting the accident, as well as the cause of the accident, to the police and your insurance company you should immediately call our experienced accident attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm to help you with your claim.

There are many exceptions and technicalities in this area of law, especially with phantom driver accidents, and if you are not aware of them it could cost you thousands of dollars. Our accident attorneys are experts when it comes to dealing with insurance companies and will fight aggressively on your behalf to get you or your loved one the compensation you deserve.