Showing posts with label pool injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pool injury. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Come On In, The Water's Fine- Or Is It?

One of our employees came into the office today and detailed her weekend, spent at her parent's home, by the pool, working on her tan. Just as jealousy was about to overcome us on this rainy, cool, dreary Monday it hit us that we don't often discuss swimming, pool, and other water related injuries, so we turned our envy into an opportunity to bring awareness to the possible dangers and common mishaps that could lead to injury while swimming or at a pool.

As mentioned, swimming and pool injuries are somewhat of a neglected practice area. Unfortunately, this fun and healthy summertime activity can be very dangerous, and even fatal. Our attorneys have handled numerous cases involving pool and swimming injuries. Faulty parts on the swimming pool itself, inattentive lifeguards/guardians, and slip and falls are all common causes of serious injuries as a result of a pool or swimming activity.

A recent study found that for every 100,000 people that swam on an annual basis, 18 injuries occurred in children ages 7-17, and 9 injuries in adults 17 and older. The study also found that swimming injuries in children have increased over the last 20 years and continue to rise.

The most common injury sustained at a pool or while swimming is a head injury. In children 7 and younger these injuries were often fatal.

It's extremely important to be cautious when swimming, especially if they are children present. Keeping a close eye on children, never swimming alone, and refraining from alcohol while swimming are the most common and most sensible recommendations to avoid swimming or pool injuries.

Sadly, even when all precautions are taken, injuries still happen. Our swimming pool/ drowning attorneys can and will help you or your loved one get the justice they deserve after suffering a serious injury or fatality as a result of negligence at a pool or while swimming. Visit our website for more information or call us now at 1-800-444-5309. Our attorneys are on-call 24/7 and offer free consultations.