Showing posts with label brain injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain injury. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Enjoy the View?

We're writing today from our Scranton office. Our view? The Natural Gas Company workers drilling out the middle of Spruce Street to correct a gas leak issue. Gas leaks are nothing to toy with, in the event of a gas leak in your area be sure to have plenty of ventilation or leave the premises until it is safe to return. Gas leaks can cause serious repercussions such as carbon monoxide poisoning.

Luckily for us, the gas leak has not affected our office, just the parking in front of our building. This event has reminded us to educate and make people aware of the severe health issues that can occur as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning and what can be done if you or a loved one are ever the victim of an injury or a fatality because of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of fatal poisonings in the United States. Over 200 people suffer fatalities as a result of CO poisoning annually due to carbon monoxide produced by furnaces, ranges, water heaters, home heaters, car exhaust, among other fuel/coal- burning things in the United States. Those who have been exposed to carbon monoxide fumes and survive face extreme medical issues such as anoxia and permanent brain damage. Detecting carbon monoxide is difficult as it is a colorless, odorless gas.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning, or has sadly passed away as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning can anything be done?

Liability for carbon monoxide caused deaths or serious injuries can fall on a number of people. Manufacturers of furnaces, boilers, water heaters, and generators could be found liable for selling faulty devices. Owners of homes, apartments (landlords), businesses, etc. can be found liable for failing to do anything to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning on their property.

Liability in carbon monoxide cases can involve complex issues. Proving that something a party did or did not do caused the carbon monoxide poisoning can be difficult. Each case is unique, liability isn't always cut and dry, that’s why you need the legal expertise that the carbon monoxide poisoning lawyers at The Pisanchyn Law Firm can provide.

We will begin working on your case immediately to preserve evidence and take the proper measures to get you the compensation and justice you and/or your loved one deserve. Our services to you are free until we win your case and even then you will never pay us out of your own pocket; we only pay you the money you deserve. So please, call us any time and with any questions or concerns you may have. 1-800-444-5309

Please also be aware of any utility you have that may produce these toxic fumes, and follow the Center for Disease Control's tips for reducing the risk of carbon monoxide exposure.